Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Prelude Episode 2 – “Entering and Breaking”

The Heroes are racing to a crashed ship. What will they find? Will they be in time? What caused this crash? Can the Heroes get inside? The Force comes to our heroes today.

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Prelude Episode 1 – “A Shared Vision”

After recreating on a shared wilderness tour on Felucia a small bit of engine problems will have a large effect on four individuals just wanting to get back to a good meal and a solid bed.

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Meet Suljo Warde

At the end of the Clone Wars a Jedi Knight was taking his new student along on a final trip before introducing the student to the Jedi Council. These are the steps leading up to the adventure Chronicles of the Gatekeeper.

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Meet Koba

To start introducing our campaign we have a special episode from each of our players. Today we introduce you to Koba

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Meet Khesh

To start introducing our campaign we have a special episode from each of our players. Today we introduce you to Khesh

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Meet Ghillary Al’auroch

To start introducing our campaign we have a special episode from each of our players. Today we introduce you to Lord, High Lord, Ghillary Al’auroch

Leslie Trautman is playing Lord, High Lord, Ghillary Al’auroch

Editing by Ben Yendall
Heroes Folk Theme by Chris Ing
Season 3 Album Art by Jay Simpson

We can be found on Twitter @TheHydianWay
On the Internet at
on iTunes and Google Podcasts
as well as Facebook

You can support us on Patreon or donate us a ko-fi

Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Meet Skipp Gobi

To start introducing our campaign we have a special episode from each of our players. Today we introduce you to Skipp Gobi

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Session 0 – Characters

To make sure all players have similar assumptions going into a game they should discuss what the bedrock understanding is for important subjects. One subject is how does the strengths and weaknesses of the characters matter to the story?

Ben Yendall as the GM

Leslie Trautman is playing Lord, High Lord, Ghillary Al’auroch
Wren Knowles is playing Skipp Gobi
Brandon Perdue is playing Koba
Kristine Chester is playing Khesh

Editing by Ben Yendall
Heroes Folk Theme by Chris Ing
Season 3 Album Art by Jay Simpson

We can be found on Twitter @TheHydianWay
On the Internet at
on iTunes and Google Podcasts
as well as Facebook

You can support us on Patreon or donate us a ko-fi

Session 0 – Conflict

To make sure all players have similar assumptions going into a game they should discuss what the bedrock understanding is for important subjects. One subject is how does conflict work as a mechanic

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Session 0 – The Force

To make sure all players have similar assumptions going into a game they should discuss what the bedrock understanding is for important subjects. One subject is what is The Force

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Vuren and the Lost Holocron Part 2 – “Hello Old Friend”

After beating Volk to the cave, our plucky archeologist finds a dwelling, is it still inhabited? Will the forest still be as welcoming of Ree’s driving?

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Vuren and the Lost Holocron Part 1 – “A Wild Devaronian Appears”

While following a wayfinder that Vuren purchased a blast from Vuren’s past catches up with him on the way onward to adventure.

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300 – The Tales Tale

We look back at what has happened in the last 300 episodes and some of the lessons we’ve learned, what is happening on The Hydian Way, and where our hearts will take us.

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299 – The Mindset Tale

We had two Heroes and two denizen the Force Majeure podcast on to talk about what they put into developing characters for a short and long time, including how far ahead they make it, as well as what extra thoughts that are beyond mechanical go into a character.

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Heroes and Howitzers Pt2

The first time the second season crew get together to make a story. Now we conclude the wild times that happen when a Fiasco goes down.

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298 – The Rise of the Republic Tale

We have Kristine and Adam on to talk about the fun to be had with Rise of the Separatists and Collapse of the Republic. We go in depth on the new careers and how they can mold your campaigns in new and fun ways.

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Heroes and Howitzers Pt.1

The first time the second season crew get together to make a story, we were there to record it, now we bring this to you as the fun it truly is as Eaves and Stoop sow chaos in a quaint little town.

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297 – The Revenge of the Sith Tale

With three others Ben dives into the end of the prequel trilogy and comes up with several ideas and complications for campaigns and settings in some very novel ways.

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296 – The Heroic Build Tail

Brandon and Wren come to talk about how their characters were built and grew over the season 2 of the Heroes of the Hydian Way, from taking a universal specialization to start with, to getting almost all 25 talents in the doctor specialization.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen – Questions part 2

We answer questions from you our listeners as well as several we were wanting answered ourselves. The added bonus of a Leslie run lightning round

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295 – The Attack of the Clones Tale

With a band of merry co-hosts we look at the middle movie of the prequel trilogy, the highs, the lows, the car theft. We have fun and come up with some interesting ideas for our own tables

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Mask of the Pirate Queen – Questions part 1

We answer questions from you our listeners as well as several we were wanting answered ourselves

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294 – The New Wren Tale

Wren joins us to talk about their introduction to the Narrative Dice system, as well as their experiences in joining a podcast. How the dice shapes their outlook and how to choose a character that fits their narrative style.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Epilogue

Our story ends.

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293 – The 30 Years In Between Tale

Between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens there is a new galaxy for our adventures, we have Kristine on to talk about this era and man of the plot hooks that jump to mind when talking about the shift in the Galaxy Far Far Away.

Continue reading “293 – The 30 Years In Between Tale”