The Creature Tale

We talk about several ways to make creatures matter to a scene and how to make sure they don’t get lost in normal role-playing. From keeping tracking of characters to helping them set scenes. Continue reading “The Creature Tale”

Dead in the Water Discussion Episode

In this discussion episode, the GM and players behind our Heroes: Ben, Kristine, Brent, Leslie, and Chris reflect on their experiences playing the “Dead in the Water” module from the Age of Rebellion Gamemaster’s Kit. Along the way they answer listener submitted questions, goof off, and hint at what’s coming next on Heroes of the Hydian Way.

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The Party Starting Tale

We talk about getting the players to be hooked for an adventure lead and how to make them more of a player party instead of just players. From discussing other RPGs to how to manage disagreements we have a jam packed episode for you today. Continue reading “The Party Starting Tale”

Dead in the Water Act 3, Episode 6

Showdown! Surrounded by enemies and in a precarious tactical position, our Heroes are going to have to scramble (and roll better) if they’re going to capture the traitor Oglerk and put a stop to these Imperial droid infiltrators in this finale to Dead in the Water.

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Dead in the Water Act 3, Episode 5

After a disconcerting, if informative, experience at the Teagan Tech Consortium, our Heroes race to the Teagan droid factory in the hopes of stopping Captain Oglerk and, finally, getting some answers.

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The Silhouette Zero Tale

Chris Ing has been a part of Heroes almost from the start, but Ben wanted to talk to him about his other podcast Silhouette Zero and two person gaming in general since it isn’t the typical way to run Star Wars RPG from FFG

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Dead in the Water Act 3, Episode 4

With arms laden with new “toys” from Kwiggley’s junk shop, our Heroes set course for Teagan, home to the Teagan Tech Consortium and, Force willing, Captain Oglerk’s final stop.

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Dead in the Water Act 3, Episode 3

Cantina Clash! When a group of armed protocol droids interrupt a meeting with the vile Shoola the Hutt, our Heroes have to fight their way out while proving their worth to the gangster. All with a drunk Mirialan, a disembodied droid head, and innocent bystanders in the way. It’s just another day on the job for the Heroes of the Hydian Way.

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Dead in the Water Act 3, Episode 2

Our heroes of the rebellion find themselves at the edge of the empire when they return to the Hutt-controlled pirate haven of Port Tooga. On the trail of the traitorous Captain Oglerk, our heroes pay a visit to the usual hive of scum and villainy: the local cantina….

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Dead in the Water Act 3, Episode 1

Downtime! Now that the Shadow Raptor‘s course to oblivion has been averted, Neema, Matu, TV, and Kith have time to regroup, resupply, and pay the infirmary a visit as they prepare to track down the treacherous Captain Oglerk.

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Dead in the Water Act 2, Episode 13

Race against time! Running on fumes and with only minutes left before the Shadow Raptor is swallowed by a black hole, can the master slicer TV and Bothan lightning rod Kith manage to bring the Raptor‘s engines to life before its too late?

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The Scene Building Tale

What goes into making a scene an scene? How can you drive the players in the direction you want them to? What do you do to spur the players into motion? We talk about this and more in todays episode. Continue reading “The Scene Building Tale”

Dead in the Water Act 2, Episode 7

Divide and Conquer! While Kith monkeys around with the Shadow Raptor‘s sabotaged life support systems, the rest of the squad makes plans to assault the bridge. All the while their adversary, the tactical droid TJ-11, remains one step ahead of them. And as if that wasn’t bad enough he’s developed a new hobbie: taunting his enemies.

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Dead in the Water Act 2, Episode 6

Asphyxiation! The squad reaches life support as TJ’s droids vent the last of the Shadow Raptor‘s oxygen, promising doom to the hundreds of “meatbags” aboard. While Kith learns how to unsabotage a system in order to save the crew, TV fulfills a lifelong dream.

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