247 – The Rumble Tale

An episode of Heroes makes Ben wonder about different ways of presenting encounters to the players. Rissa and Ben have some ideas on how to make sure that the players weapons aren’t always the first thing grabbed for.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 1, Episode 6 – “The Best Laid Plans”

When someone pays attention to Kaav’s slicing efforts, the crew does the only logical thing: they start a brawl in a diner.

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246 – The Player Pet Tale

Recounting a few missteps in our own history we have a few ideas on how to make the pets of a player matter to the game and to the players in ways that aren’t always obvious.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 1, Episode 5 – “Diners, Dives, and Destruction”

Two leads down, the crew of the Sky on Fire duck into a diner for a bite to eat and to conduct a little slicing into Sororonet.

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245 – The Growing Threat Tale

We said it was going to be a series, and we’re starting it. Threat is a tricky thing to use since it’s very easy to undervalue it, we have ideas on how to make it more vibrant and how to not try to steal the success of a roll with threat.

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244 – The New Advantage Tale

We start our discussion about the extra mechanics in the FFG narrative system with advantage, as we start talking about the scale of what makes one advantage a small boost versus making three or four amazing and how to scale mechanically and narratively between.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 1, Episode 4 – “Good Neighbors”

One lead and a rental speeder down, the crew turns their attention to the remaining two leads: the fence and the network. Which will they investigate first?

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243 – The Indecisive Tale

We talk about methods of how you as a player and a GM can move a disagreement at the table between characters and players along to some form of resolution, with a few examples from our own tables.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 1, Episode 3 – “A Better Leg To Stand On”

While investigating the ex-Sorority enforcer Graf, the crew was ambushed in the streets. Blaster bolts, knocked over trash cans, and a speeder on fire is just the start as our Heroes defend themselves.

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242- The Unexpected Tale

Surprises can be an amazing thing, and we have a few ideas on how to turn a cliff hanger into something that the players will never expect. From fantastic settings to NPCs that will haunt your players long after they’re put back in the box, we have ideas.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 1, Episode 2 – “An Exchange of Resources”

One Pirate Queen. Three Leads. 40,000 credits up for grabs. Our Heroes take their first actions in locating the Pirate Queen’s trail and make preparations for the dangers to come

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241 – The Conflicted Party Tale

An explosion of discussion happens in this episode about using the conflict mechanic as two GMs talk about their strategy for completely integrating the mechanic into their adventures and sessions.

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240 – The Momentum Tale

We talk about how to end a scene and how to keep narrative momentum up when interest feels like it’s flagging. From adventure starts and getting that spur into adventure to the pacing when your player group is traveling.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 1, Episode 1 – “A Proposal in Paradise Part 2”

Back from their vacation, the crew of Sky on Fire: the bounty hunter Barawyn, the card dealing droid Billie, the Gand technician Kaav, and their newest crew member the Pantoran doctor Vastrano travel to Saleucami to hear a job proposal from an old ally.

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239 – The Narrative Tale

We talk about getting your players to narrate their actions more, from beginners who have never played an RPG before, to dungeon crawlers, to GMs who are there to relax.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 1, Episode 1 – “A Proposal in Paradise Part 1”

Back from their vacation, the crew of Sky on Fire: the bounty hunter Barawyn, the card dealing droid Billie, the Gand technician Kaav, and their newest crew member the Pantoran doctor Vastrano travel to Saleucami to hear a job proposal from an old ally.

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238 – The Explosive Character Tale

Ben and Rissa watched a live stream of Star Wars the RPG and things happened, over the top things, things that made us want to talk about it. Here we are talking about what happens when a group that’s combat heavy comes to your more moderate adventure.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen – Prelude

We join a convoy en route to Saleucami and step onto the bridge of the frigate Censure as Captain Riles receives a special report.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Introduction – Brit

To kick off Mask of the Pirate Queen, we’d like to introduce you to the newest member of the Heroes of the Hydian Way team: Brit.

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Hydian Force – A Crossover Event

Force Majeure and the Heroes of the Hydian Way are very proud to present this crossover episode!

A Besalisk in need of specialist help.
A Gand droid-tech in search of a weapon worthy of a name.
Two droid chaperones from wildly different worlds.
A Rodian with an insatiable hunger for juice boxes.

As these two worlds collide, who knows what might ensue! Join us, as Ben Yendall from the Hydian Way weaves their magic over a certain shop in Cynabale…

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Trouble Brewing – Crafting with Kaav Episode 1

When you bring a Droid Tech to the party, there’s bound to be crafting (Kraavfting?). This episode finds Kaav building a family of droids and other sundries for the crew of The Sky on Fire.

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237 – The Starting Character Tale

A longtime patron got in touch with us about something that was on their mind and we thought it would make a good episode. This is talking about what do you give characters to start with and how do you guide them into directions your story might want to put on display.

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Kaverns & Krayt Dragons Episode 2

Aboard the Sky on Fire, five friends gather together to play a little game called Kaverns & Krayt Dragons.

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236 – The Force Majeure Tale

We have Adam Beltane on from the Force Majeure Podcast to talk about their experience with running their games, how they prepare, and how they got into the fun of Star Wars Roleplaying

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Kaverns & Krayt Dragons Episode 1

Aboard the Sky on Fire, five friends gather together to play a little game called Kaverns & Krayt Dragons.

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