The Allied NPC Tale

This week we talk about NPCs why some get elevated, how to deal with the mechanics for those that do get elevated, and why some people make full PCs for an NPC. Continue reading “The Allied NPC Tale”

Friends Like These Act 2, Episode 4 – “Courting Mandalorians”

With the Talz chieftain defeated, the training cadre of Clan Beroya is free. But on the flight back to camp, Mandalorian Matu Ordo learns he may have more in common with the Beroyas than beskar armor.

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The Last Jedi Tale

We talk about themes in The Last Jedi and several of the things we ponder about the story, from using bombers to why using force face time would be useful in an RPG setting. Continue reading “The Last Jedi Tale”

Friends Like These Act 2, Episode 3 – “Combat is Just Applied Physics”

Hiking in snow! When the training cadre of Mandalorian Clan Beroya goes missing, Matu Ordo and his squad volunteer to bring them home. Finding the cadre’s camp abandoned our heroes locate a trail and brave the frigid mountains of Vlemoth Port.

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The Way to End Tale

We talk about how to end a session and a scene. With tips and examples of dramatic situations to leave your players in, the hosts have some deep thoughts about coming to that brick wall. Continue reading “The Way to End Tale”

Friends Like These Act 2, Episode 2 – “Welcome to Arumorut”

When Captain Neema Talemy sent her squad ahead to meet with the Mandalorian Kad Solus, the last thing she expected to find was a heated battle against Weequay and Kaltooinian mercenaries in a Puffer Pig filled docking bay.


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The Behind the Scenes Tale

Kristine and Ben talk about the ways that you can use the in between session times to make your games better and keep engagement going when you have ideas that just need to get out. Continue reading “The Behind the Scenes Tale”

Friends Like These Act 2, Episode 1 – “Puffer Pigs are the Best”

In search of the Mandalorians of Clan Beroya, Matu, Kith, and AMP arrive at Vlemoth Port to meet with their contact Kad Solus.

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The Split Party Tale

Splitting the party can be treacherous for a GM, from boring other players to finding there’s just too much going on to keep track of. We have ideas on making it make more sense and a few tricks on keeping everyone engaged.

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Friends Like These Act 1, Episode 5 – “Solidarity”

Matu and AMP continue their investigation into Patrician Lira Hardin while Kith and Neema have a long overdue chat.

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The Failed Crafting Check Tale

We talk of how to make a failed crafting check mean something, what comes from not making something, and how to make it become a part of the story. Continue reading “The Failed Crafting Check Tale”

Friends Like These Act 1, Episode 4 – “Petty Infighting”

With a list of allies, a few traps established, and a pack of Hyena Bombers secured, the Squad turns their attention to setting right the division within their ranks and between the Clan Patricians of Xorrn.

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The Home Brew Tale

We talk about making a setting up for yourself. From new adversaries and minions to new pieces of equipment. This can broaden your horizons so much we wanted to give our initial takes on how to grow beyond the time between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. Continue reading “The Home Brew Tale”

Friends Like These Act 1, Episode 3 – “‘Tactical Examination'”

While their captain is away, Kith, Matu, and TV-93 (you can call him AMP) evaluate defense options (and band equipment) among the wreckage on Xorrn’s surface.

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Finding the Destroyer Tale

This is Kristine and Ben talking about the ‘hunt the Bismark’ campaign Ben did and ways to bring out the things that Ben had in his head for it at the table. We also talk of how to take ideas and see how big the idea really is. Continue reading “Finding the Destroyer Tale”

Friends Like These Act 1, Episode 2 – “The Council of Xorrn”

Diverted to the planet Xorrn, a former Separatist world turned repair yard, the Squad must navigate the internal politics of the planet and begin to prepare a defense against the Empire’s arrival, all while dealing with strife within their own ranks.

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The Moral Beginner Tale

We get talking about the morality mechanic and a few things we’ve been having a hard time with lately when looking at what the morality system can become and how to make it grow into bigger character beats than simple good or bad. Continue reading “The Moral Beginner Tale”

Friends Like These Act 1, Episode 1 – “A Plea for Help”

After receiving urgent orders from Alliance Command, the crew of the Vanishing Point departs Ex Carga bound for the rust-colored world of Xorrn.

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The Bounty Board Tale

We talk about Bounty Boards and how they can tell a story, even just in how they are accessed, and how they can propel your story forward to make amazingly complex worlds. Continue reading “The Bounty Board Tale”

Friends Like These Act 0, Episode 4 – “Halfway Across the Galaxy”

With TV on board the Vanishing Point, the Squad sets course for Ex Carga, a destination on the other side of the galaxy. Trapped aboard the ship for many days (and even more light years) how will they pass the time?

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The Threatening Tale

We start talking about social encounters and then expand to talk about how to bring threats and advantage to the table in more narrative ways than just boosts and setbacks going into the next roll. Continue reading “The Threatening Tale”

Friends Like These Act 0, Episode 3 – “Getting the Band Back Together”

Six weeks ago, the tactical droid TV-93 was granted his freedom. His first decision: to resign from the Rebellion. What has our favorite depressed droid been up to free of military life for the first time since being activated?

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The First Tale

We slip from idea to idea as we talk about learning what your players want to do and giving them the tools to do it. Continue reading “The First Tale”

Friends Like These Act 0, Episode 2 – “Downtime”

Vacation! Kick back and relax with our Heroes as they unwind following the events of Dead in the Water, and prepare for the challenges ahead.

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The Round Table Tale

We look into some of the ways to save a flagging group from having co GMs to genre swapping on a regular basis. Continue reading “The Round Table Tale”