Genesys “Voyage Above the Boiling Sea” Part 1

Flying far above the Boiling Sea, the airship Bonaventure makes its maiden journey with passengers Gabrielle Graves and Emaline O’Brien and stowaways Percival Q. Stalwart and his ward Crumpet aboard.

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Friends Like These Act 2, Episode 5 – “A Matter of Honor”

As AMP, Kith, and R4-M1 keep an eye on Lieda, Neema and Matu begin negotiations with Chieftain Vera Beroya for the service of her clan in the coming Battle of Xorrn.

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Friends Like These Act 2, Episode 4 – “Courting Mandalorians”

With the Talz chieftain defeated, the training cadre of Clan Beroya is free. But on the flight back to camp, Mandalorian Matu Ordo learns he may have more in common with the Beroyas than beskar armor.

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Friends Like These Act 2, Episode 3 – “Combat is Just Applied Physics”

Hiking in snow! When the training cadre of Mandalorian Clan Beroya goes missing, Matu Ordo and his squad volunteer to bring them home. Finding the cadre’s camp abandoned our heroes locate a trail and brave the frigid mountains of Vlemoth Port.

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Friends Like These Act 2, Episode 2 – “Welcome to Arumorut”

When Captain Neema Talemy sent her squad ahead to meet with the Mandalorian Kad Solus, the last thing she expected to find was a heated battle against Weequay and Kaltooinian mercenaries in a Puffer Pig filled docking bay.


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Friends Like These Act 2, Episode 1 – “Puffer Pigs are the Best”

In search of the Mandalorians of Clan Beroya, Matu, Kith, and AMP arrive at Vlemoth Port to meet with their contact Kad Solus.

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Friends Like These Act 1, Episode 5 – “Solidarity”

Matu and AMP continue their investigation into Patrician Lira Hardin while Kith and Neema have a long overdue chat.

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Friends Like These Act 1, Episode 4 – “Petty Infighting”

With a list of allies, a few traps established, and a pack of Hyena Bombers secured, the Squad turns their attention to setting right the division within their ranks and between the Clan Patricians of Xorrn.

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Friends Like These Act 1, Episode 3 – “‘Tactical Examination'”

While their captain is away, Kith, Matu, and TV-93 (you can call him AMP) evaluate defense options (and band equipment) among the wreckage on Xorrn’s surface.

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Friends Like These Act 1, Episode 2 – “The Council of Xorrn”

Diverted to the planet Xorrn, a former Separatist world turned repair yard, the Squad must navigate the internal politics of the planet and begin to prepare a defense against the Empire’s arrival, all while dealing with strife within their own ranks.

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Friends Like These Act 1, Episode 1 – “A Plea for Help”

After receiving urgent orders from Alliance Command, the crew of the Vanishing Point departs Ex Carga bound for the rust-colored world of Xorrn.

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Friends Like These Act 0, Episode 4 – “Halfway Across the Galaxy”

With TV on board the Vanishing Point, the Squad sets course for Ex Carga, a destination on the other side of the galaxy. Trapped aboard the ship for many days (and even more light years) how will they pass the time?

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Friends Like These Act 0, Episode 3 – “Getting the Band Back Together”

Six weeks ago, the tactical droid TV-93 was granted his freedom. His first decision: to resign from the Rebellion. What has our favorite depressed droid been up to free of military life for the first time since being activated?

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Friends Like These Act 0, Episode 2 – “Downtime”

Vacation! Kick back and relax with our Heroes as they unwind following the events of Dead in the Water, and prepare for the challenges ahead.

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Friends Like These Act 0, Episode 1 – “A Nervi Situation”

Aboard the Star Destroyer Blood Ambition, two Imperial officers, Captain Ralchio Nervi and Lieutenant Alico, have a conversation that is going to shape everything to come for our Heroes.

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Dead in the Water Epilogue – The Force and Matu

When Matu fell into his Force vision, it wasn’t just a simple thing. He soared among the stars and found a calling to several worlds before him. As well as a person he never expected to find.

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Halloween Special Episode 2

In the finale to this special haunted edition of Heroes of the Hydian Way, Neema, Kith, and Lieutenant Hastings’s adventure in the Shadow Raptor‘s lower decks gets all the spookier.

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Halloween Special Episode 1

In this special haunted edition of Heroes of the Hydian Way, Neema, Kith, and Lieutenant Hastings travel to the “basement levels” of the Shadow Raptor on a quest to find a missing Mandalorian and uncover the mystery of the lower decks.

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Dead in the Water Interview with Writer Keith Kappel

In this special interview episode Ben, Kristine, Brent, and Leslie are joined by guest Keith Kappel, writer of the Age of Rebellion Gamemaster’s Kit, the “Dead in the Water” adventure module, and the upcoming Heroes adventure Friends Like These.

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Dead in the Water Discussion Episode

In this discussion episode, the GM and players behind our Heroes: Ben, Kristine, Brent, Leslie, and Chris reflect on their experiences playing the “Dead in the Water” module from the Age of Rebellion Gamemaster’s Kit. Along the way they answer listener submitted questions, goof off, and hint at what’s coming next on Heroes of the Hydian Way.

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Dead in the Water Act 3, Episode 6

Showdown! Surrounded by enemies and in a precarious tactical position, our Heroes are going to have to scramble (and roll better) if they’re going to capture the traitor Oglerk and put a stop to these Imperial droid infiltrators in this finale to Dead in the Water.

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Dead in the Water Act 3, Episode 5

After a disconcerting, if informative, experience at the Teagan Tech Consortium, our Heroes race to the Teagan droid factory in the hopes of stopping Captain Oglerk and, finally, getting some answers.

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Dead in the Water Act 3, Episode 4

With arms laden with new “toys” from Kwiggley’s junk shop, our Heroes set course for Teagan, home to the Teagan Tech Consortium and, Force willing, Captain Oglerk’s final stop.

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Dead in the Water Act 3, Episode 3

Cantina Clash! When a group of armed protocol droids interrupt a meeting with the vile Shoola the Hutt, our Heroes have to fight their way out while proving their worth to the gangster. All with a drunk Mirialan, a disembodied droid head, and innocent bystanders in the way. It’s just another day on the job for the Heroes of the Hydian Way.

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Dead in the Water Act 3, Episode 2

Our heroes of the rebellion find themselves at the edge of the empire when they return to the Hutt-controlled pirate haven of Port Tooga. On the trail of the traitorous Captain Oglerk, our heroes pay a visit to the usual hive of scum and villainy: the local cantina….

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