The Greatest Show on The Wheel – Part 1

Let us look into the history of the Hydian Heroes to find a tale from the early days of Khesh and Ghillary’s collaboration for their traveling from planet to station. We see them performing in an extravaganza showing off their talents and some new friends.

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Act 2 Episode 29 – “All Hands on Deck”

With the Heroes at the end of their stamina and Dalan having escaped a certain shot, will the Heroes be able to finish the threat of the Inquisitor and his bounty hunter? Or will things go even more awry than they have?

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Act 2 Episode 28 – “Chaos”

Skipp has the shot, will it land? What will Carls reaction be?

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Act 2 Episode 27 – “Wrecked”

The Heroes are in a fight for their survival as two capable fighters are in their midst with lightsaber and blaster. Using everything in their control the Heroes fight to be rid of this inquisitor and bounty hunter. Will they survive or is everything going to be wrecked?

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Act 2 Episode 26 – “Pineapple”

Carl and Dalan have caught up to the Heroes, now we find out if the Heroes can survive the encounter? With a refreshed party and a shuttle that’s moving as fast as it can the Heroes brace to be attacked. Will the advantage be in numbers? or with darkness?

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Act 2 Episode 25 – “Plan D”

The Heroes grab a breath while healing from the massive fight they had. As they do they feel a pull in the force, what is it drawing them to? What will become of the bleeding lightsaber? Is that the last droid they’ve seen?

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Act 2 Episode 24 – “Blastball Special”

From one fight to another, the Heroes have moved into a prophesied fight that could mean their end. The hints that they were given have shown a path forward, but the path is obscured by the blaster fire of destroyer droids and the swords of commandos. Will Skipps vision hold true?

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Act 2 Episode 23 – “Skipp Steps Up”

The Hydian Heroes have been ambushed by commando droids on their way to meet their destiny. Will the force wielders be able to overcome the ghosts of wars past? or will they fall victim to the roving patrols of a long abandoned palace?

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Act 2 Episode 22 – “Once More Under The Bridge”

The Heroes have made it near the palace of Jorra. The old and abandoned building has a cavernous interior and the possibilities of droids being on patrol is bigger than most want to admit. Will the path be clear, and will the bridges the Heroes have to cross be completely intact?

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The Bad Backs Part 2

The Bad Backs are now deep into an Imperial stronghold, needing a diversion one of their experts is going to attempt to destroy a massive amount of AT-ATs in one blow. Will this explosion happen how they want it to? Will they be able to get into the Muun safe? Who has the mightiest weapon?

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The Bad Backs Part 1

When the Empire starts acting a little too funny these retired clones decide to make a score for themselves. Going to a Muun depot in the mid rim they see about stealing for themselves and making the most of their war honed talents.

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Act 2 Episode 21 – “Conflictisode: The Return of Walther”

The Heroes have escaped with their lives, barely. Now they are in a place beyond as they deal with the actions they have made since meeting Carl and Dalan as well as following the trail through Jorra. Will they be able to pay their tab?

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Act 2 Episode 20 – “Ghillary’s Lament”

Dalan Oberos has found the Hydian Heroes and has them in a life or death combat. Looking for the second crystal for Suljo Warde’s holocron has brought the Heroes to the precipice of success, and the edge of defeat. Will they be able to find a way to continue? or will their focus lead to their undoing?

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Act 2 Episode 19 – “Enter the Penumbra”

The Hydian Heroes have outrun the Empire and a bounty hunter that was looking for them to get crucial information for their quest to retrieve the crystal from Suljo Warde, but will they be able to stay ahead of these dastardly characters?

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Act 2 Episode 18 – “Counting the Days”

The Heroes have found Zel’s hidden fortress and now need to find him. How will it go with this sneaky spy just wanting to tend to his plants and stop being menaced by those Crimson Kreehawks? Will the Heroes get him to listen? Will they get the answers they need? How sticky will Skipps fingers be?

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Act 2 Episode 17 – “Sense the Scene”

The dangers that the Heroes have run into have shown them rising to the challenge, but now there’s enhanced dangers after the gas and stun attacks they’ve had so far. Will the master spies traps be too much for our Heroes or will we see how the scene overcomes them?

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Act 2 Episode 16 – “Chutes and Ladders”

The Heroes are at the base of a long climb, now it’s their turn to climb the daunting trash chute and find Zel the elderly spy from the Clone Wars that hopefully has the information they need to find the second of Wardes crystals.

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Act 2 Episode 15 – “Trash Talk”

The Crimson Kreehaws cause the flames of the factory to flourish as the Heroes try to end the fight with these gangers who interrupted their conversation with Tor Haido. Will they be able to stop this hit on a source of information?

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Act 2 Episode 14 – “In Media Res”

The Crimson Kreehawks come to silence Tor Haido and the Heroes must stop a blatant round of intimidation. With swoops racing through the factory the action ramps up as it jumps from danger to danger.

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Act 2 Episode 13 – “Factory Finding”

After a barely relaxing night the Hydian Heroes are back on the trail as they head out into Jorra and find what fiends are out in the factory district. Hoping that an old friend of Suljo Warde is able to help them, will the Heroes be able to get the answers they need? or will hidden forces move against them again?

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Act 2 Episode 12 – “Bandages and Breakfast”

The Heroes recoup from their run in with the bounty hunter Dalan Oberos as they mend their injuries and plan for what is going to be a race through places both above and below the bridge of Jorra.

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Act 2 Episode 11 – “Crescendo”

Starting on the path to the crystal and finding out more about Suljo Warde, the Heroes find themselves having an innocent tea with an old friend and protectee of Warde. How will the choices of long ago change how the Heroes deal with today? Will recent developments cause them to look over their shoulders more?

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Act 2 Episode 10 – “New Friends”

As the force vision fades, the Heroes find themselves centered but no further along. What will this Imperial held world bring them for the next path they need to take? Will interest be shown for the actions they’ve taken? Does the movement of four beings matter to the galaxy?

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Act 2 Episode 9 – “A Familiar Face”

Skipp, Koba, Khesh, and Gillary wanting little more than a drink and a meal, they found themselves questioning why they’re being stalked by a force apparition and will the street tough that they just dealt with cross their path again in the worst sort of way. Their return to the light side of Jorra seems to have dragged the darkness with them. With the Dropview cantina just insight bolsters their spirits as they have a moment to take in Jorra for the first time since they landed all those hours ago. But is the rest what it appears?

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Chronicles of the Gatekeeper – Act 2 Episode 8 – “Reputation and Influence”

The shadowy figure that waylaid the Heroes in the world beyond worlds haunts their actions as they finish their side quest for Kuto Jaral. What dangers lurk in the shadows of Jorra that the Heroes have yet to overcome?

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