The Hard Road – Danson the Wrong Dance

The Heroes set out on their new mission, to protect workers before they get into horrible danger. How will the characters pasts raise some flags and cause issues as the droids become an even closer part of the crew?

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The Hard Road – The Captains Card

After a stressful review the crew spends a little downtime as a new mission is selected for their specific talents. This breathing room shines a light on the wonderful interpersonal relations of the Heroes.

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The Hard Road – Hopping to it

Now that the Heroes have answered questions, now the players and GM must answer the questions put forth by each other and the audience.

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The Hard Road – Fluffy Questions

The Heroes are brought in to explain their actions and show that they have the best interests of Intersector Rescue at heart.

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The Hard Road – The Jig Is Up

The Heroes are almost done, but a call from Jigs brings them back to the Soaring Bantha to help settle a dispute between the organics and droids. Find out how will the crew solve this crisis when Keydra takes the lead.

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The Hard Road – Careful Reflections

The Heroes have defused the situation and are in negotiations with the Order of the Fallen Harch to gain the services of their droid mechanics to help on the Soaring Bantha, how will Hookman react to having so many droids around?

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The Hard Road – Emergency Maneuvers

As the Heroes work to distance themselves from the threatening droid ship and fix the Soaring Bantha they find that all is not what it seems as they are introduced to the true power of a BX battle droid and how to save a shistavanen stuck on the outside of the Codfather.

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The Hard Road- And What A Throw

The Heroes are working to salvage a hyperdrive as they find a droid heretic and have to defend the Soaring Bantha from a flock of mynocks. Their attention is pulled in so many directions as they learn of a threat lurking in the shadows of a battle long thought over.

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The Hard Road – Springing Free

The Heroes are split and the dangers have risen to meet them. The Soaring Bantha is beset by mynocks, the Codfather is watching over a boarding party, the boarding has found a BX battle droid and a cavernous nest for the mynocks, and a hunter frigate has just turned on.

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The Hard Road – JN-35ing It Up

The Heroes are starting to search the temporarily abandoned nest of mynocks for a hyperdive to save the Soaring Bantha. With half the crew stalking over an abandoned Separatist frigate and the other half slowly starting to come to a full realization of what’s going on hi jinx are sure to ensue.

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The Hard Road – A Helpful Shove

With the Heroes in a debris field and needing to find a hyperdrive they are starting to scan to find what problems are about to arrive for them. Are there droids laying in wait to pounce on any unsuspecting crews?

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The Hard Road – Whose Wing Is It Anyway

The Heroes are reunited at the outskirts of the Bespin system. As they catch up we find out what troubles they’ve come across as they tip toe through the graveyards of battles past.

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The Hard Road – Getting A CodHawk

While Isazel and Norin are off herding banthas we take a look at what Shen and Keydra are doing as the Codfather starts its maneuvers out of the atmosphere of Pujool. How will the ship and crew survive this encounter?

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The Hard Road – A Flying Bantha

When a few Imperials decide to come back and see what damage is still to be done the Heroes decide not to stick around, the crew is split amongst the ships and now have to desperately flee before the ships catch them.

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The Hard Road – Awkward Confidence

As the Heroes work to find out the secrets the Imperial stowaway knows and repair the failing Soaring Bantha something is sparking, and it’s not just the ship.

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The Hard Road – What’s Behind Door Number 2?

The Heroes start to find out more and more about what happened on board the Soaring Bantha, mystery after mystery presents itself. How will the Heroes deal with the questionable legalities of what is to come?

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The Hard Road – A Push Boom

The Hydian Heroes rush to a distress call, finding that the ship is losing altitude in a gas giant. Will the Heroes be able to tow the ship to safety or will the ship be big enough to weigh them down? How big could a ship with three families be on it anyway?

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The Hard Road – As The Station Turns

The Heroes have some down time, we find out what goes on at InterSector Rescue when the crew is not racing to the rescue. How has Shen dealt with radiation sickness? Will Norin do more research? Does Keydra have to go to conflict de-escalation classes? Has Isazel gotten back at Azi and Hookman?

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The Hard Road – A Rad Jump

The Hydian Heroes are racing a desperate clock. The crews of the now found supply vessels have been soaking up radiation as their ships slowly disintegrate around them. Forced into the most shielded parts of their ships now the Heroes are making a desperate push to jump the ships as one out of the nebula.

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The Hard Road – Coming Apart Together

The Hydian Heroes have found the ships adrift and hoping for saviors. How will the ships overcome the ionizing cloud they’ve drifted into? Will they be able to save all three ships, or just the most recent floundering?

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The Hard Road – One Jump Leads to Another

As the Heroes race to the stranded ships that have left the mining outpost in grave danger we come back to the Codfather in transit and hoping to overcome the dangers of the radiation field before they succumb dooming all of the ships in the process.

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The Hard Road – Voices Near and Far

Tensions are high with the Hydian Heroes as one of their own takes drastic measure. How will the rest deal with an unforeseen completion of a very small task? The Heroes are close to the bottom of crime on the mining outpost, will they be able to quiet the threats?

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The Hard Road – The Quick Shot

As the Heroes start to track down leads from the mines, the explosions, and the missing ships that are swirling on the mining station; it all come to a head as the Heroes start to learn secrets from each other.

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The Hard Road – Just a Little Explosion

The mining facility has a few small bits of excitement as miners seem to get into some more trouble while the Heroes start to get on the same page.

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The Hard Road – Crystalizing Adventures

While the rest of the Heroes are off investigating the severed communications Keydra is investigating what could be enough to trap everyone on a moon with no incoming supplies.

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