Confessions of a Newb GM: The Council is Sitting

Last time I talked about the Lepskin Sector and some of the places that players can go. Today I am talking about the Lepskin Rebel Council and what they bring to the table and a few things that I can do with them.

A Little History

The reason I’m using a council set up has a bit of history to it that could help with understanding why I’m hoping to use it. I was fortunate enough to play in a test of the Quinoth system and the council idea worked well for me, it was a Fiasco style game with a few great players and @Fiddleback doing the job of the rest of the council. This experience was quite fun, with the reversals and a few of the more charismatic people getting their way. After the council we had to create a communication going from the council member to our operative in the strike force (played by a different person) detailing what happened and our intents. The full narrative use of a separate council came from having muddled communication between “The Council” and the main play group(s).

Since playing in Quinoth I have found out about and have played Executive Decision and think it fits this style just a little better than Fiasco. The big difference between a Fiasco style and an Executive Decision style of game play is in Fiasco having all players being equal based on their role play ability, where Executive Decision is much more directed with the players are trying to convince the GM (The Executive) to follow a particular track. This style seems better in a council setting and the one that I’ll use.

Character creation is a difficult beast, most of the time you want something that provides something unique to the player themselves but also doing some form of Cast Calculus (careful, TV Tropes link). Until reading and starting to understand the Edge of the Empire system I didn’t consider the story of a character to be a driving factor and only looked to characters with the view of them being a token on the board.

I have become excited since I started to learn about how these attributes can bring story to the front and thought of the interweaving it can bring if the participants let it. This brought to me an idea of how to create simple characters with short back stories that don’t overshadow what will be coming. Taking the obligations, or duties, for reference then adding their species, motivations, and the career together to create a base character has become a small game to figure out what sort of characters these attributes dictate.

The council starts as a body to be trusted and obeyed but as the players see what is going on at ground level, and not all of the council members do, this should cause fractures and a more interesting meta-narrative for the players and I. The council is limited to having an idea of what’s going on but not having direct control, trusting the players to run the actual missions. The single line of communication between the players and The Council allows for the concept to be completely cut out if there isn’t an interest in it and for an unreliable set of communications if the GM wants to include such a plot device.


 Now On To The Cast:

Amenta Olies: A human historian grieving for Alderaan and wanting to strike out at those who hurt her. Amenta brings her deep knowledge of history to apply against the trials of the present.

Ayyn’torthal: A twi’lek financier that thinks his fortune and safety is in the deep Lepskin Void. Feeling he is destined to become the one to free Ayyn’torthal, he seems reckless in the plans he puts forth.

Char’bana: An amazingly cunning ex-dancer, this twi’lek is looking to raise the downtrodden and help free the oppressed.

Coden Tazi: A haunted duros sniper who lost himself when his family was killed and hasn’t found himself again by raining vengeance on those who did it.

Dun Sund: A brilliant fleet captain who values his subordinates and knows how to use them well, he looks to bring to justice the admiral of the Lepskin fleet.

Icor Brimarch: The wealthy son of Bantha Express owners, the corporation has fallen under direct imperial scrutiny due to Alderaanian ties. Icor heads the transportation operations of the council.

Pashnia Niathal: A freed Mon Calamari, Pashnia is a genius with keeping everything going and brings her dedication to the organization that freed her.

Scara Harend: A know-it-all pilot, Scara has been transferred to lead the sectors nascent star fighter corps. Few realize how determined she is to do right by her people and see each one of them return home.

Tamar Dangr: A fallen Lepskin Sector senator, Tamar was in line to be the sector Moff but his own local connections bit him politically and now he seeks to free the good people from the far away rule of the Empire.

Yattitcu: Young for a wookiee, Yatticu is a master slicer that knows how to get information from the deepest nets. She’s become invaluable, both for her ability to collate data as well as her burgeoning network of spies.

Confessions of a Newb GM: Introducing the Lepskin Sector

Before I get into describing my battles with Obsidian Portal, or Roll 20 let me take you through the reason why I have bothered with these tools that need dedication to learn.

Today I describe the basic setting of the Lepskin Sector, next week will be the Rebel Council, and the week after will be a few of the things I’ve learned putting both sets of ideas into Obsidian Portal and how doing so can create a better setting.

I understand and encourage players to be spontaneous and I want to give the players in my group a place that isn’t just a set of random set piecess made up from flash cards. I want it to be epic with weird and fun places, as well as dark corners where criminals willingly tread, and to get this a heightened sense of connection to continuity helps. This creates a short hand between the players and the GM to change and detail interactions based on where they take place. A talk in a smoke filled and dimly lit tavern is going have a very different feel and expected outcome than a brightly lit pastel walled open air café.

When coming up with places I used a few tropes to setup specific places for players to know almost exactly what is going on, and others where I try to subvert what the players are expecting. The places then begat a small initial narrative and the two styles together have brought many notable Non-Player Characters (NPCs).

I’ve been working on a setting called the Lepskin Sector. This setting is on the outer fringes of the Star Wars galaxy, but still has a connection to the core and civilization. From a basic narrative standpoint, to be useful to the player, the long term game world needs a few things.

Two Cans and String


The first thing the party needs is a home base for them to come back to and lick their wounds and provide communication to higher ups. For this I created Catiwhinn, an asteroid complex that allows for ships of fairly large size to dock and be repaired. The Rebel Council has ties to the station giving preferential docking and repair rates to the player group. The station is newly located on a trade route that allows for secretly shipping almost anything that people reasonably need and can pay to have smuggled into the sector with little hassle.

An integral thing to any campaign is a change to the status quo. The players are charged with preventing this change, or to channel the change in a new fashion with failure being an unwanted option. Usually this change is a McGuffin that the ‘Big Bad Evil Guy’ is controlling and using to impose their will. To start the first campaign we’ll have a deep space shipyard to deal with. The story is that after ten years spent fixing the yard, the current Imperial Governor is using it to amass a fleet to control the entire sector and expand it into peaceful neighboring systems.

Since The Shipyard is hidden, the party needs a public enemy camp that is identifiable and dangerous to the group. I created Jambat to fulfill this need. Jambat is a planet that is mostly a savanna with small hills and deep gorges carved by wandering rivers. Settled a long time ago, the remoteness of the planet has caught the new governors’ eye as a training facility which has been constructed just recently. This very controlled planet is training a massive amount of troops to help supply the shipyard with crews and personnel.

From that beginning a simple adventure could be had, but I want something more for the players to connect with. The sector needs places for high society and high power shenanigans. Here I have created three places to catch the players’ imaginations.

The Big Three

Slovant is the home of a corporate colony sent out to follow up on reports of a vast natural cave system that was rich in minerals and had enough heat to grow food from the geothermal energy. This corporate sponsorship of the colony has directed it ever since it was founded, from mining to processing and finally manufacturing. The people working know that their conditions aren’t the same as the contracted working conditions across the sector and have been able to wrest reasonable working conditions from Sienar Corporation.

Xix started off as a place to put those too ‘independent’ for easy integration into the larger colonies on Lepskin and Slovant. This has caused much tension as the planet turned into an easy place to start manufacturing and has quickly overtaken the original colonies in its ability to produce saleable items. The independent corporations of Xix have become a driving force in the sector while trying to turn a blind eye to many of the excesses of the ruling oligarchy.

Lepskin is a colony that was sent as an academic campus from the Coruscanti Academy and connections from this slowly led to the planet becoming the sector capital. While there is a united front against any perceived or actual external threat to the sector, the intra-sector politics have become almost deadlier than the senate floor. The collocation of government and academic studies has led to resentment from several of the manufacturing worlds that believe their voice is drowned out because of the closeness of the Intelligentsia. The government understands how precarious its position is and the governor has taken militaristic steps to ensure the control of Lepskin is inviolate.

A Better Idea

With these five planets, and nineteen more, I can send players across the sector on almost any sort of mission allowing for a ready built tone wherever they go. After introducing them to a planet or area I can bring up each of them as settings and the players know what they’re getting.

These broad strokes are what the players, and you, have access to read and start to look at and possibly create links between. Any suggestions will be considered; specifics have a good chance of being integrated while broad concepts could take longer.

The Grand Combat Tale

We talk about montage scenes in your game and mass combat in a way that makes every roll matter for your campaign and the fantasy world writ large.

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Confessions of a Newb GM: Learning From Mistakes

Finding the right way to go back:

I have had the Lepskin Sector bouncing around in my head for a while. The creation of it sprouted from my offline Star Wars: Saga Edition campaign. The crew was a little down on their luck, the rebellion was disappointed in them, and they needed a place to go to recover their good name and their confidence. I came up with a sector of 25 named planets, I have no idea how the names came about, and a big McGuffin, a deep space manufacturing facility.

Based on my past experience with this group I had expected it to go with a bit of investigation and branch out into a sneaking assault on the facility causing it to either explode or for the group to pull a ‘Red October’ and steal it. The party had a history of stealing ships and repurposing the captured ships as their own so I was betting heavily on them going straight for the facility and taking it over leaving time for me to develop a plot. This bet backfired to the dismay of everyone.

I had it in my head that I could wing it completely, my problem was I didn’t have a series of goals for the players.

I didn’t give hints leading to the bread crumbs to take them to the next piece of the plot because I hadn’t thought through what the meta-plot should be. My players, being players, upturned my plans and decided they wanted to go on a tour of the sector and try to start a business. Due to the lack of planning I wasn’t able to herd them in a direction closer to a plot and from there it turned into Star Wars Tycoon.

Since that time I have played in games outside of my little group as well as coming to realize that there are some good people out there in these forums and a few other places. By absorbing as much as I can, from how to plot out books, adventures, and TV, I’ve learned how to make something more cohesive than just “I have a great idea” and have started to put it into action.

I am now approaching the Lepskin Sector in a dramatically changed fashion now that I’m going back. I really like the idea of an open sector where almost anything the players do has an effect and creates ripples. The problem I had with my first implementation was that I was using the sector as the campaign, not as the backdrop. This blinded me to what the players were doing and the failings of what I wasn’t doing. The campaign setting can be a very living and cool thing, but it isn’t the campaign; the campaign is the adventures that go towards the goal and I had lost sight of this. My plan for the first campaign in the Lepskin Rising saga is to blow up, or steal, the same deep space facility. This can be done in a variety of ways depending on the characters and archetypes chosen by the players.

Actual entry into the campaign is always dependent on the players; they need to choose what type of group they are and how they react to each other. A great method of doing it is the introductory session which, for this campaign, will be an explanation of how they get in the sector and to the secret rebel base that’s ‘cleverly’ hidden. After this, it shifts to one of two methods, if there is enough interest I’ll do a prologue event in the style of Executive Decision, otherwise, I have several bread crumbs already worked into the cast of rebel characters that will provide the first adventure inside the sector. From this beginning I can create incremental adventures leading to the harrowing resolution.

It’s this focus on incremental adventures and planning that is different for me. Before, I had a large plan and thought that it would hold out over many sessions, and that my players would want to follow with me to the end, because obviously I thought it was awesome so they would as well. On reflection I have found the grand idea was exciting, but the session to session was boring. Session to session is where game groups live, if it is boring from time to time it’s okay but consistently boring will kill a group.

Having a one or two part adventure that solves a portion of the puzzle without having a true idea of the final picture is a much better idea than having the picture of the puzzle and not realizing five pieces are missing.

The Lead By Example Tale

We look at Lead by Example and poke it with sticks, trying to find interesting ways of playing the new specializations along with some ideas on how to use the new special abilities.

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Confessions of a Newb GM: The Beginning

Hi there, I’m Deuterium Ice. I like telling a story, but I don’t like telling all of it. I like to come up with a few of my own plot twists, but I also like it when those plot twists have gone sideways on me. This is what has brought me to Game Mastering.

Luckily, 21 years ago I was given West End Games Star Wars 2nd Edition by my mother and I’ve had pencil and paper in hand ever since. I’ve grown a gaming group around me everywhere I go, from gaming in the hallway at ‘lunch’ in high school to starting a gaming group as I learned how to repair avionics. I’ve started to branch out into board games when it was proven to me that they aren’t all Monopoly or Risk.

I love Star Wars and vacuumed up the EU as much as I could. Since I love the universe so much and there was this role playing game that was parent approved I started up a campaign with my friends (the only other option was Rifts) and off to being wookiees on the edge of the Empire it was.

The styles of story I like are the tales that go down in the shadows while the big flashy protagonist draws all the attention. I find there to be as much, if not more, personal drama in the forming and pushing of morals than in a ‘will he blow up the McGuffin in time’ story.

I want to expand my circle of gaming; this has led me to the fabled halls of the internet and online gaming. I have had an idea for a living sector for a while. A place where the characters are more involved in it than a ‘you pick up a load from Asy Lya’Trey and take it to Bothi Spaceport while Creenk here tries to stop you’ kind of thing.

Through the Mad Adventurers Society and potelbat I’ve found some tools to try this out, such as Obsidian Portal and Roll20, and I think that the integration will become epic. These are my tales of Hope and Frustration as I learn how to translate being an okay GM into being a good online GM that brings player’s imaginations to the fore.
The Campaign

Since this is going to be fairly out of the box for me I’m going to use a system I understand well, Star Wars from FFG, for this adventure. I have a small, somewhat thought out, sector of space mapped as well as some of the more prevalent unique organizations.


This will be a living sector where the player character actions will have an effect. If they bring down a crime lord then there will be a whoosh of dangerous people trying to fill the void. A struggling band of adventurers will be helping those around them, hoping their assistance doesn’t cause more harm than good. I want to the players to feel their actions have a consequence.

The campaign, as I envision it, will be a Rebellion based look at entering a new sector that has none of the established supports that the Rebellion can normally rely upon while having a fairly massive set of goals.

I’m looking to this from the perspective of TV seasons.. Each campaign will have several adventures to it that allows for decent action, reversals and heroics, but it all will be leading to a big ending that only partially wraps up the major plots. This should allow for players dropping in and out if life gets in the way as well.
The Setting

I’ll delve into the setting in more detail later, but for now, the idea is that a sector on the edge of the unknown regions is opened for settlement a scant three millennia ago. It caught the attention of the rebellion when a mobile, and hidden, construction facility was credibly reported in the sector. Not knowing where in the sector it is, and having a special ops team fail horribly some years ago before the Alliance was formed, the Rebellion is sending in more materiel to the sector as well as some heavy hitters.

There is enough going on in the sector what with the secretive Sullustan Brotherhood, the duplicitous Bantha Express, and the bold Free Corellia Militia. Several classic style planets may be slightly familiar to Sci-Fi geeks; for example, I liked the idea behind Noveria from Mass Effect. Once I’ve filled in some more details I’ll share a link to the Obsidian Portal campaign and advertise for players.
More to Come

I’m going to be posting my experiences with Roll20, finding art and creating maps I can use, planning from a rough outline (such as Cpt. Futures ideas), trying to construct a ‘big scene’, and any other learning experiences I have. I will be looking at all of these things as I move towards getting the campaign off the ground.

Throughout, I will try to make some of my mental leaps easier to understand, such as how I went about transforming one of the planets that, on paper, was a simple agricultural planet into a desert planet with a survivor colony of Twi’leks in a deep rift valley.

Plotting and planning a full campaign is hard work and must be an adaptive process, this will be a look at the weirdness that goes through my head and how I go from hoping to have fun to having a great group of players that have fun with me.

The Return of Max Tale

We interview producer and writer Max Brooke of FFG about confict in Force and Destiny.

As we lookinto a few gaps we’ve seen and stumbled over he’s able to help us greatly with our understanding.

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The Tale of Crisis

Ben likes breaking things and making the players figure out how to fix them.

Joshua is leery, but offers some great advice for how to deal with having crisis in your game and making them interesting.

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The Converted Tale

We talk about converting adventures to your table, starting with The Temple of Elemental Evil and going through to making Onslaught at Arda I work for you and not throwing in unknown characters.

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The Awakens Tale

We talk about The Force Awakens and how you can take several of the lessons from it and put it at your table. From how to deal with a Big Bad to how to move time along in a believable fashion.

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The Organized Tale

Organizations are fun to come up with, so we came up with 9 new ones, each with a different bend.

David takes criminals, Joshua goes all forcey force, and Ben is doing odd military applications.

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The Bestial Tale

We talk about Beasts this week because ages ago @thebrometheus decided he really liked the 30 odd dogs in his family room.

It’s taken a little bit but we here on the Reluctant Bogwing  sat down and talked about beasts from the wonderful swarm of bees to Zilo beasts.

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The Restarting Tale

Ben is back and he brought in two other people to talk with him about Star Wars and the cool things they can come up with.

As the Star Wars RPG talk starts, they break into a discussion on Nemeses and how you can use them effectively in a few situations.

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The Tale of Endings

We talk about things to keep in mind as you end sessions, chapters, and campaigns during Cams final show.  We have a great time as we watch out for murder bears around the campfire.

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The Other Edge Tale

This week we talk about campaigns in Edge of the Empire that don’t deal with the Hutts or Black Sun.

Going from the wild west to noir and back again Ben and Cam have many good ideas for you to listen to.

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The Foretold Tale

This week we talk of move, seek, sense, and foresee. Finding interesting and cool ways to make them menacing and really fun ways to bring them to the table for everyone to enjoy.

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The Sam Stewart Tale

We interview Sam Stewart, RPG Manager for Fantasy Flight Games, about the Force and Destiny Core book.

We talk about how the specializations were designed and how to use Inquisitors and high level Nemesis characters in  your game.

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The Alternative Force Tale

We answer two listener questions about force traditions and how to not let force users out shine other player characters.

We go from the witches of Dathomir to Gand marshals to figuring out how to treat a whole party as a whole party.

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The Ascendant NPC Tale

This week we talk about Rivals, Minions, and Nemesis characters and how the different power levels change the way you want to use them.

We also talk about how to take an NPC from the lowly minion who runs away from the PCs and transform them into  a truly terrifying nemesis later.

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The Binding Tale

We talk about Bind, Protect/Unleash, and Battle meditation in this episode.

We give the High-Powered abilities a look to see how they can be misused by GMs and to see how they can be used to tell amazing stories.

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The Powered Tale

How do you make Force Powers epic?

From the simple powers, such as enhance, to those that are iconic, we find interesting ways of approaching them and how they can move the story along that isn’t just the focus to an entire session.

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The One Shot Tale

Ben and Cam have a few ideas on how to grow your community, add flavor to your one shots, and bring in more people to your games faster when using pre-generated characters.

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An Impossible Tale

This week Cam can’t join us, so we pull in two guests. We talk about specialists and how they can be very difficult to deal with on the fly. We also come up with a few ways to keep your specialists feeling special, and how to engage them without punishing them for specializing.

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A Party Tale

This week we start a look at how you can deal with holes in the party and how, as a GM, you can challenge players without making it punishment for choosing the ‘wrong party’.

We also give a few ideas for party concepts and how they can be made into really amazing adventures or campaigns.

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A Desperate Tale

Ben and Cam take a deep look at the careers and species in the new career supplement for Age of Rebellion. They cover some of the ways that it’s evocative for new and old players alike. Styles of play and odd ideas are tossed about with great relish.

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