Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 2, Intermission Ep. 3 – “Like a Moff to a Flame”

All aboard! Not so far away from our heroes, the luxury liner The Crimson Star travels through hyperspace, bound for its next destination. But the Star has more colorful characters aboard than usual….

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 2, Intermission Ep. 2 – “Murder on the Mantellian Express”

All aboard! Not so far away from our heroes, the luxury liner The Crimson Star travels through hyperspace, bound for its next destination. But the Star has more colorful characters aboard than usual….

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 2, Intermission Ep. 1 – “Murder on the Mantellian Express”

All aboard! Not so far away from our heroes, the luxury liner The Crimson Star travels through hyperspace, bound for its next destination. But the Star has more colorful characters aboard than usual….

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 2, Episode 13 – “Uneasy Homecoming”

Bloody, battered, broken, and in a room on fire, Barawyn, Illyn, Billie, and Vastrano need to fight their way out if they hope to catch the queen and save their own lives.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 2, Episode 12 – “Ballroom Blitz”

The Queen has escaped and the crew of the Sky on Fire find themselves surrounded by hostiles. Will they be able to fight their way out of the Queen’s court?

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 2, Episode 11 – “Breaking and Entering”

Armed with the whereabouts of the Pirate Queen’s warehouse base, Barawyn, Illyn, Billie, and Vastrano begin their assault.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 2, Episode 10 – “Insider Information”

As Billie and Illyn dispatch Micael Torval’s would be killer, the arena fight against Tssklar and the Force imbued Clawfish continues for Barawyn and Vastrano.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 2, Episode 9 – “A View From the Booth”

Billie and Illyn have found Micael Torval, their lead to the Pirate Queen. While they try to warn him of an attempt on his life, The Cold Shoulder and the newly minted Tailspin face off in the arena vs The Clawfish and Tssklar.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 2, Episode 8 – “Tailspin”

Having received their payment from Illo Vandin and a good night’s rest, the crew set out in the morning to search for Macael Torval, the sabacc player who holds the key to locating the mysterious Pirate Queen.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 2, Episode 7b – “Dangerballs”

K-1, K-3, and 3b depart the Sky on Fire to escort the tooka cat Thaddeus IV back to her starship: Hyperspace is Blue. What sorts of dangers await our collective droids and pets in the spaceport of Ord Mantell?

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 2, Episode 7a – “1+3+3b”

Illyn, Barawyn, Billie, and Vastrano are asleep after an exhausting day of gladiator matches and train heists, so when the Sky on Fire is boarded by an intruder it’s up to Vreebo, K-1, K-3, and 3b to investigate.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 2, Episode 7 – “Standing Room Only”

Barawyn faces off with a mysterious Mirialan while the rest of the crew free the people of Redlake.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 2, Episode 6 – “A Pretty Reasonable Wookiee”

The assault on Rusty Reach continues! While most of the crew battle slavers, Captain Barawyn begins her cunning plan.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 2, Episode 5 – “A Rescue at Rusty Reach”

With a promising lead on the whereabouts of Flutterplume’s family, the crew head to the slaver compound of Rusty Reach.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 2, Episode 4 – “The Speeder Gambit”

Now allied with the masked fighter Flutterplume, the crew of the Sky on Fire find themselves on a mission to rescue the citizens of Redlake, but first they’ll have to contend with a pair of Savrips harassing a family of scavengers.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 2, Episode 3 – “A Solid Connection”

Join us for the fight of the night: The Cold Shoulder vs. The Anvil!

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 2, Episode 2 – “The Cold Shoulder”

In order to gain Illo Vandin’s favor, the crew are to stop the professional fighter Flutterplume from winning the title match. This means familiar ground for Billie and Vastrano as gambling and gladiatorial combat intersect at the team’s next destination: The Loaded Savrip.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 2, Episode 1 – “Swimming with Sharks”

The Sky on Fire arrives at the scrap filled planet of Ord Mantell, hot on the Pirate Queen’s trail. What adventures, troubles, and biscuit flavors will our heroes find on this new world?

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 1, Intermission Episode 4 – “Employee Reviews”

En Route to Ord Mantell, Captain Barawyn prepares for the most important time of the year: employee reviews.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 2, Session 0

Ben, Kristine, Brandon, Leslie, and Wren discuss the crew’s Obligations and together decide how they have grown, changed, or decreased over the course of Act 1.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 1, Intermission Episode 3 – “The Cards We Are Dealt”

The bounty fulfilled this should be the part where our heroes rest. Instead Barawyn, Kaav, Billie, and Vastrano find themselves brought before Venlana and the ire of the Zann Consortium to answer for the decoy Pirate Queen.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 1, Discussion Episode 2

Join Ben, Kristine, Leslie, Brandon, and Wren as the cast of Heroes of the Hydian Way discuss the events of “Trouble Brewing” and “Mask of the Pirate Queen”, their characters, and answers your questions in part 2 of this discussion.

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Mask of the Pirate Queen Act 1, Discussion Episode 1

Join Ben, Kristine, Leslie, Brandon, and Wren as the cast of Heroes of the Hydian Way discuss the events of “Trouble Brewing” and “Mask of the Pirate Queen”, their characters, and answers your questions in part 1 of this discussion.

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Vuren Afa and the Smuggler’s Moon Part 2 – “Always Get the Good Stuff on Camera”

With newly acquired hateblockers on and a Gonk sized briefcase in tow, Vuren and his new crew: the thoughtful academic Mody, the stoic and protective Ree Dak, and the ever filming Lorenzo return to the streets of Nar Shadaa. Their goal: arrive safely back at the Queen of Air and Darkness with their cargo before the Imperials, Vuren’s new fanbase, or the speeder rental company can find them.

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Vuren Afa and the Smuggler’s Moon Part 1 – “Slide Casual”

After visiting the Nar Shadaa library, our gambler turned archeologist had adventure fall onto his lap…. well speeder.

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